例如在下面這兩個句子里,The genetic code decides whether they sit with a slight,twist towards clockwise or anticlockwise,基因密碼決定了它們的排列是稍向順時針方向,還是向逆時針方向扭曲,I have to say I am usually the one on the other side,asking the questions,so the interview is a fun twist,我不得不說,通常是我在另一面問問題,因此,這次訪談是一個有趣的轉折,在這兩個句子中,twist是作名詞,指的是扭曲、轉折,I can twist this tube,我能扭彎這根管子,在這個句子中,twist就是作動詞,意思是使彎曲,twist還有一個短語,twist and turn,指的是迂回曲折,All roads no matter how they twist and turn,can lead us home in our hearts,所有的路,無論它們如何曲折扭轉,都能指引我們回到心靈的家園,twist這個單詞你學會了嗎?