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    中醫養生保健 國務院辦公廳關于印發中醫藥健康服務發展規劃(2015—2020年)的通知


    2015 年 5 月 7 日






    《中醫藥和健康事業發展規劃(2015-2020年)》已經國務院同意,現印發給大家。 請認真執行。


    2015 年 4 月 24 日



    中醫學(包括民族醫學)指出整體控制健康狀況,強調個體化,強調預防未病,臨床療效準確,治療方法靈活,保健功能突出。 是我國獨具特色的健康服務資源。 中醫健康服務是運用西醫的理念、方法和技術,維護和提高人民群眾身心健康的活動。 . 發揮中醫藥獨特優勢,推動以中醫藥為主的健康服務業發展,是中醫藥全面發展的必然要求,是推動健康服務業發展的重要任務。 意義重大。 為貫徹落實《中共中央國務院關于推進醫藥衛生體制改革的意見》、《國務院關于支持和促進中醫藥事業發展的若干意見》 ”(國發[2009]22號)和《國務院關于促進健康服務業發展的若干意見》(國發[2013]40號),促進中醫藥健康服務業發展,并制定此計劃。


    (一)指導思想。 以鄧小平理論、“三個代表”重要思想和科學發展觀為指導,深入貫徹黨的十八大和十八屆三中、三中、四中全會精神,按照黨中央、國務院決策部署,在著力保障人民群眾基本醫療衛生服務需求的基礎上,全面推進改革,創新服務模式,鼓勵多元化投資,促進市場化培育,充分釋放中醫藥健康服務的潛力和活力,充分迸發和滿足人民群眾多層次、多樣化的需求。 醫療衛生服務需求,推動建立有中國特色的衛生服務體系,提高中醫藥對國民經濟和社會發展的貢獻率。


    以人為本,服務群眾。 把提高全民健康素養作為發展中醫藥健康服務的出發點和落腳點,區分基礎和非基礎中醫藥健康服務,實現兩者協調發展,著力保障健康人民的權益。

    政府引導,市場帶動。 強化政府在制度建設、政策引導和行業監管方面的職責。 充分發揮市場在資源配置中的決定性作用,充分調動社會力量的積極性和創造性,不斷減少中醫藥健康服務供給,提高服務質量和效率。

    西醫為體,發揚特色。 堅持中醫原創思維,積極運用現代科技手段,提升中醫健康服務能力,彰顯中醫特色優勢。

    促變革,創新發展。 推進科技轉化,拓展服務范圍,創新服務模式,構建中醫藥健康服務可持續發展體制機制。

    (三)發展目標。 到2020年,中醫藥健康服務體系基本完善,推動中醫藥健康服務發展成為我國健康服務業的重要力量和國際競爭力的重要體現、重要力量促進經濟社會改革發展。

    ——中醫藥健康服務能力大幅提升。 西醫保健服務網絡基本完備,中醫保健服務人員素養顯著增強,中醫保健服務領域不斷拓展,基本滿足全社會對中醫保健的需求服務。

    中醫養生保健_節氣養生-老祖宗的保健智慧_中醫四季養生 春夏秋天養生知識

    ——中醫藥健康服務技術手段不斷創新。 以西醫為主體,融合現代醫學等技術手段,創新中醫健康服務模式,豐富和發展服務技術。

    ——中醫藥健康服務產品品種日益豐富。 中醫藥及健康服務相關產品的研發、生產和銷售規模不斷擴大。 中藥材養殖業紅色發展和相關制造業轉型升級明顯推動,涌現出一批具有國際競爭力的中藥企業和產品。

    ——優化營造中醫藥健康服務業發展環境。 中醫藥健康服務新政基本完善,行業規范標準體系不斷建立,政府監管和行業自律機制更加有效,形成了全社會積極參與的良好氛圍。支持發展中醫藥健康服務。



    支持西醫保健機構發展。 支持社會力量發展規范的西醫保健機構,培育一批技術成熟、信譽良好的知名西醫保健服務集團或連鎖機構。 鼓勵西醫醫療機構充分發揮技術人才等資源優勢,為西醫醫療機構規范發展提供支持。

    規范西醫保健服務。 推動制定西醫保健服務規范和標準,推動各類機構按照規范和標準提供服務,針對不同健康狀態人群制作西醫健康干預方案或手冊(服務包)。 構建西醫健康狀況評估方法,豐富西醫健康復檢服務。 推廣形意拳、健身氣功、導引等西醫傳統功法,組織飲食和藥膳。 利用云計算、移動互聯網、物聯網等信息技術,開發智能西醫健康服務產品。 為市民提供集西醫健康檢測、咨詢評估、保健療養、隨訪管理于一體的高水平、個性化、便捷化的西醫保健服務。

    組織具有西醫特色的健康管理。 結合中醫藥與健康管理的優勢,以慢病管理為重點,以預防為主的治療理念為核心,探索集健康文化、健康管理、健康保險于一體的西醫健康保障模式。 加強西醫養生宣傳引導,積極利用新媒體傳播中醫養生知識,引導人民群眾更加全面地認識健康,自覺培養健康的生活習慣和精神追求。 推動制定信息共享與交流相關規范標準。 開發中醫保健、預防疾病保險、各類醫療保險、疾病保險、護理保險、失能收入損失保險等商業健康保險產品,通過健康風險評估、西醫風險干預等方式提供商業健康保險藥品。 疾病預防與治療、健康維護、慢病管理等西醫特色健康管理服務與產品相結合。 引導體檢機構規范組織具有西醫特色的健康管理業務。

    專欄1 西醫醫療保健服務建設項目








    鼓勵社會力量提供西醫醫療服務。 構建以民營西醫機構為龍頭、非公立西醫機構共同發展、基層中醫服務能力突出的西醫服務體系。 加大重點本科建設和人才培養力度,規范和推廣中醫師多點執業,支持社會資本興辦西醫門診、療養院和西醫醫院。 鼓勵符合條件的中醫專業技術人員特別是經驗豐富的中醫師開辦中醫醫院,允許藥商開辦中醫醫院。 鼓勵社會資本控股傳統西醫醫院。

    創新西醫醫療機構服務模式。 轉變西醫門診服務模式,推進多方式綜合干預,推動醫療服務由以癌癥治療為主向健康維護為主,發展預防治療、康復等服務。 支持西醫診所對外輸出管理、技術、標準和服務產品,與基層醫療衛生機構建立醫聯體,鼓勵市級西醫診所探索縣鄉一體化服務,努力把所有社區衛生服務機構、鄉鎮衛生中心和70%的村衛生室具備中醫服務能力。 推進西醫急診、中醫醫院、中醫醫院標準化建設和連鎖發展。

    專欄2 西醫醫療服務體系建設項目


    中醫養生保健_中醫四季養生 春夏秋天養生知識_節氣養生-老祖宗的保健智慧

    構建國家級、區域級、基層西醫專科診療中心三個層次的西醫專科疾病預防體系。 優化診療環境,提高服務質量,開展科研攻關,發揮科技輻射作用。


    在鄉鎮衛生院、社區衛生服務中心建設以西醫臨床科室集中、綜合運用多種中醫方法和手段的中醫特色診療區,規范西醫診療設備。 加強基層醫療衛生機構非西醫和鄉村醫生的中醫技術培訓。 針對基層部分常見病,推廣推行本草病歷,規范本草藥丸的使用和管理。


    鼓勵社會資本舉辦婦科、骨科、婦科、兒科等非營利性西醫門診; 發展具有突出西方特色的康復門診、老年門診、敬老院、臨終關懷門診等醫療機構。


    支持民族醫學特色本科課程建設。 支持有條件的市級以上藏族、蒙古族、維吾爾族、傣族、朝鮮族、壯族、哈薩克族等民族自治地方建立少數民族附屬醫院。 規范民族醫藥衛生服務技術開發,在基層醫療衛生服務機構推廣應用。


    推動具有西醫特色的康復服務機構發展。 根據康復服務資源配置需要,各地正在規劃建設具有西醫特色的康復門診和療養院,加強西醫門診康復科室建設。 鼓勵社會資本舉辦具有西醫特色的康復服務機構。

    拓展西醫康復服務能力。 推動西醫技術與康復醫學融合,建立康復服務標準規范。 推動各級各類醫療機構舉辦具有西醫特色的康復醫療、培訓指導、知識普及、康復護理、輔助器具服務。 建立市級西醫門診與社區康復機構單向轉移機制,在社區康復機構推廣適合的西醫康復技術,提高社區康復服務能力和水平,讓群眾享受規范、便捷、有效的西醫服務特色康復附近即成。

    專欄3 西醫特色康復服務能力建設項目


    按照區域衛生規劃,加強西醫特色康復門診和西醫門診康復科服務能力建設。 支持市西醫門診指導社區衛生服務中心、鄉鎮衛生院、殘疾人康復中心、工傷康復中心、民政康復機構、特殊教育中學等機構開展具有西醫特色的社區康復服務.


    發展具有中醫藥特色的養老機構。 鼓勵建設以中醫藥保健養老為主的養老院、療養院。 有條件的養老機構設立西醫門診,以預防老年病和慢性病為主。 推動西醫門診、養老院、康復機構合作。

    推進中醫藥與養老服務相結合。 二級以上西醫門診開設老年科,減少老年病床位,開展老年病和慢性病預防及康復護理,為老年人就醫提供優惠服務。 支持養老機構開展融合西醫特色健康管理的老年人保健、醫療、康復、護理服務。 符合條件的西醫門診提供社區和居家中醫健康養老服務,建立老年人健康檔案,完善醫療合同服務關系,提供急診就診、健康檢查、保健咨詢等服務。

    專欄4 中醫健康養老服務試點


    開展中醫與養老服務結合試點中醫養生保健,探索中醫與養老服務結合的主要模式和內容。 包括:發展新型中醫養生保健機構,重點抓好轉型改革和社會資本投入新建,籌建以中醫養生保健為主的養老院、療養院; 探索西醫門診與養老機構合作新模式,拓展社區和居家中醫健康養老服務。 創新西醫老年健康管理,研發多元化、多層次的中醫健康管理服務包,發展新型養老服務業態。 培養中醫健康養老人才,依托高校和中醫醫療預防保健機構建立中醫健康養老服務實訓基地,加強老年管家中醫相關技能培訓職員。


    節氣養生-老祖宗的保健智慧_中醫四季養生 春夏秋天養生知識_中醫養生保健

    發展中醫藥文化產業。 挖掘中醫藥文化資源,優化中醫藥文化產業結構。 打造科學準確、通俗易懂、貼近生活的中醫文化科普創意產品和文化精品。 發展數字出版、移動多媒體、動漫等新興文化業態,培育知名品牌和企業,逐步形成中醫藥文化產業鏈。 按照《中國公民西醫保健質量》開展健康教育。 將中醫知識納入基礎教育。 借助海外中華文化中心、中醫藥孔子大學等平臺中醫養生保健,推動中醫藥文化國際傳播。

    發展中醫藥養生旅游。 借助西醫機構、中藥企業、名勝古跡、博物館、中華老字號名店、中藥材繁育基地、藥用動物園、藥用輔食博物館等資源,旅游開發具有中藥特色的路線。 建設一批以中醫藥為特色的旅游小鎮、度假區、文化街、主題餐廳,打造一批本草科技農業、名貴中藥材種植、田園生態休閑相結合的養生體驗和觀賞基地旅游。 開發中醫藥特色旅游產品,打造中醫藥養生旅游品牌。 支持舉辦代表性強、發展潛力大、滿足人民群眾健康需求的中醫藥健康服務展覽會。

    專欄5 中醫藥文化與健康旅游產業發展項目


    加強中醫藥文化全媒體傳播和監督評價。 建設一批中醫藥文化普及宣傳教育基地。 依托現有景區設施,引入中醫養生理念,推出一批集養生知識普及、養生保健體驗、養生娛樂為一體的中醫文化主題公園。


    推動西醫和西醫中國行活動。 通過中醫藥科普周、主題文化節、知識技能競賽、中醫藥文化科普旅游等多種方式,提高西醫公共衛生和保健質量。 建設中醫藥文化科普隊伍,深入研究、挖掘、創作中醫藥文化藝術作品,組織開展中醫藥非物質文化遺產宣傳傳播工作。




    支持相關保健品的開發、生產和應用。 鼓勵研發簡單易用的家庭或個人健康檢查、監測產品、自我保健、功能康復等器械產品。 加強校企醫生深度合作,將研發與使用需求對接,提升國際競爭力。 發展中醫藥和健康服務產業集群,培育一批具有國際影響力的知名品牌。

    促進中藥材資源可持續發展。 大力實施中藥材良好生產規范,擴大中藥材種植和貿易。 推進中藥材養殖業紅色發展,推進中藥材優良品種選育和無公害標準化繁育,提高中藥材產業標準,加強中藥材資源動態檢測和保護,構建中藥材追溯體系,打造精品中藥材。 組織開展藥材資源出口貿易狀況檢測調查,保護重要藥材資源和生物多樣性。

    大力發展第三方服務。 組織開展第三方質量安全檢驗、檢測、認證、評價等服務,培育發展第三方醫療服務認證、醫療管理服務認證等服務評價模式,構建和建立中藥檢驗檢測體系. 開展研究設計服務和成果轉化服務。 充分發揮市級藥品集中采購平臺作用,探索發展中藥電子商務。

    專欄6 中醫藥與健康服務相關產業配套重點項目




    加強西醫診療設備、中醫瑜伽產品、中藥、保健乳制品的開發,重點開發西醫健康識別系統、智能西醫復檢系統、經絡健康識別儀等西醫健康鑒定與干預設備; 探索開發用于西醫診療的便攜式健康數據采集設備,與物聯網、移動互聯網相結合,開展手動化、智能化的中醫健康信息服務。


    支持發展第三方檢驗、檢測、認證、評價和相應的咨詢服務機構,組織開展質量監測、服務認證、衛生市場調研和咨詢服務。 支持中醫藥技術轉移機構組織科技成果轉化。

    中醫養生保健_中醫四季養生 春夏秋天養生知識_節氣養生-老祖宗的保健智慧




    吸引海外消費在中國。 鼓勵有條件的民辦西醫診所設立國際診療部或外賓服務部,鼓勵社會資本提供多元化服務模式,為境外消費者提供高端西醫醫療保健服務。 全面推進中醫藥多層次國際教育合作,吸引更多海外高中生來華接受學位教育、非學位教育、短期培訓和臨床實習。 整合西醫科研優勢資源,為境外機構提供科研外包服務。

    推動中醫藥健康服務走出去。 支持優秀中醫藥企業和醫療機構在境外開設西醫診所、連鎖藥店等中醫藥服務機構,建設和建立境外營銷網絡。 培育一批具有較強國際市場開拓能力的中醫藥服務企業或企業集團。 鼓勵中醫藥院校到境外辦學。 鼓勵援外項目與中醫藥健康服務相結合。

    專欄7 中醫藥服務貿易重點項目


    支持一批具有顯著市場優勢和發展前景的中醫藥服務貿易重點項目,建設一批特色突出、能起到帶動輻射作用的中醫藥服務貿易骨干企業(機構),打造一批中醫藥服務貿易骨干企業(機構)。綜合實力雄厚,具有國際影響力的中醫藥服務貿易重點領域,實力突出。 發展中醫藥、醫療保健、教育培訓、科技研發等服務貿易,開拓國際市場。






    (1) Relaxation of market access. All Chinese medicine and health service fields that are not explicitly prohibited by laws and regulations must be opened to social capital, and the open areas will continue to expand; all Chinese medicine and health service fields that are open to local capital must be opened to capital from other provinces. For traditional Western medicine hospitals and outpatient departments that only provide traditional Chinese medicine services held by social capital, there are no layout restrictions for the establishment of medical institutions and regional health development plans. Personnel skilled in traditional Chinese medicine who have obtained a rural doctor's practice certificate are allowed to set up traditional western medicine hospitals in towns and villages that only provide approved traditional western medicine diagnosis and treatment services.

    (2) Strengthen land use guarantee. Based on the overall planning and urban and rural planning of agricultural land, all localities shall take into account the development needs of traditional Chinese medicine health services, expand the supply of land for traditional Chinese medicine health services, and give priority to securing land for non-profit traditional Chinese medicine health service institutions. In the process of urbanization, priority should be given to arranging agricultural land to meet the development needs of TCM health service institutions. Configure traditional Chinese medicine health service places and facilities in accordance with relevant regulations. Support the establishment of traditional Chinese medicine health service institutions with the help of existing real estate and original farmland acquired by means of allocation. For traditional Chinese medicine health service projects that have been in continuous operation for more than one year and conform to the allocated land catalog, farmland can be allocated according to regulations to handle land use procedures; If the land allocation conditions are not met, the land use procedures can be handled in the form of contract transfer.

    (3) Strengthen investment and financing guidance. The government guides and promotes the establishment of a health industry investment fund jointly funded by financial and industrial capital, and coordinates and supports TCM health service projects. Broaden the financing channels for the development of Chinese medicine health service institutions and related industries, encourage social capital investment and operation of Chinese medicine health service projects, and give priority to social capital for new projects. Encourage traditional Chinese medicine enterprises to raise funds by issuing non-financial corporate debt financing instruments registered with the China Construction Bank Interbank Market Chamber of Commerce. Actively support qualified traditional Chinese medicine health service companies to go public for financing and issue convertible bonds. Support and develop Chinese medicine health service venture capital enterprises, standardize the development of equity investment enterprises. Strengthen the foreign exchange management support for the service trade of traditional Chinese medicine, and promote the facilitation of customs clearance. Encourage various venture capital institutions and financing guarantee institutions to conduct business with innovative new formats and small and micro enterprises in the field of traditional Chinese medicine and health services.

    (4) Establish a new policy on fiscal and taxation prices. Qualified non-public western medical institutions that provide basic medical and health services to undertake public health service tasks can obtain financial subsidies according to regulations, and their undergraduate construction, equipment purchase, and personnel training can be supported by the government at the same level. Strengthen scientific and technological support and guide the development and industrialization of key technologies. For those who attend relevant vocational training and vocational skill identification, those who meet the conditions will be given subsidies according to regulations. Donations made by enterprises and individuals to non-profit Western medical institutions through public welfare social organizations or people's governments at or above the municipal level and their departments shall be paid after tax in accordance with the tax law and relevant new tax policies. Establish a price generation mechanism for traditional Chinese medicine, and implement market-adjusted prices for medical service prices in non-public-owned Western medicine medical institutions.

    4. Guarantee measures

    (1) Strengthen organization and implementation. All regions and relevant departments should attach great importance to the development of traditional Chinese medicine and health services, coordinate overall planning, increase investment, and create a good development environment. The Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine should play a leading role in formulating the implementation plan of this plan, and work with relevant departments to study and solve important problems in the implementation of the plan in a timely manner, and strengthen the inspection and evaluation of the implementation of the plan. Development and reform, finance, civil affairs, human resources and social security, commerce, culture, health and family planning, tourism and other departments should perform their respective duties and solidly promote the implementation of this plan. All regions shall, according to this plan and in light of actual conditions, formulate a development plan for traditional Chinese medicine health services in their region, refine the new policy measures, and earnestly implement them.

    (2) Give full play to the role of industry organizations. All regions and relevant departments should support the establishment of TCM health service industry organizations, entrust or transfer responsibilities suitable for industry organizations to industry organizations through administrative authorization, purchase of services, etc., and strengthen service supervision. Give play to the important role of industry organizations in industry consultation, standard formulation, industry self-discipline, talent training, and third-party evaluation.

    節氣養生-老祖宗的保健智慧_中醫四季養生 春夏秋天養生知識_中醫養生保健

    (3) Establishing standards and supervision. Focusing on standardizing service behavior, improving service quality, and improving service level, promote the formulation and revision of traditional Chinese medicine health service norms and standards. For areas where standardization cannot be implemented for the time being, formulate and implement service commitments, conventions, and norms. Build a standard online announcement system, and give full play to the role of standards in promoting and supporting the development of traditional Chinese medicine health services.

    Construct and improve the supervision mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine health services, implement localized management, focus on the supervision of service quality, and severely crack down on violations. Build a bad practice record system, include the integrity management and practice of traditional Chinese medicine health service institutions and their employees in the unified credit information platform, and guide industry self-discipline. Introduce a certification system in the field of Chinese medicine health services, and promote the application of Chinese medicine health service standards through the development of standardized and professional third-party certification, providing technical guarantee and support for government supervision.

    Column 8 Standardization Project of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Health Services

    Formulation of Chinese Medicine Health Service Standards

    Formulate standards for TCM health service institutions, personnel, services, and technical products, and establish a TCM health service standard system. Promote the internationalization of TCM health service standards. Build a standard announcement system for traditional Chinese medicine and health services, and strengthen the regular reporting, evaluation and release of testing information.

    Application and promotion of Chinese medicine health service standards

    Relying on traditional Chinese medicine institutions, strengthen the application and promotion of traditional Chinese medicine health service standards. Give full play to the role of social organizations such as Chinese medicine academic organizations and industry chambers of commerce, and adopt various methods to organize training on the application and promotion of Chinese medicine standards for professional and technical personnel, so as to promote the effective implementation of Chinese medicine standards.

    Statistical System Construction of Traditional Chinese Medicine Service Trade

    Formulate statistical methods and statistical systems that conform to the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, and establish a mechanism for reporting and publishing statistical information.

    (4) Promoting personnel training. Promote the establishment of health management and other TCM health service-related majors in colleges and universities, expand the post settings for technical and skilled personnel in TCM health service services, and gradually improve related occupations (types of work) in the TCM health service field. Promote industry-university-research cooperation in running schools, and focus on cultivating talents in shortage of Western medicine clinical skills and traditional Chinese medicine technical skills such as Western medicine health care and health care. Standardize and promote the training of health service practitioners with knowledge and skills of traditional Chinese medicine, explore and train compound talents such as traditional Chinese medicine health tourism, traditional Chinese medicine science promotion, and traditional Chinese medicine service trade, promote the development of traditional Chinese medicine health services and implement new policies related to employment and entrepreneurship Tight connection.

    Reform the management methods of professional qualification certification of Chinese medicine health service personnel, promote industry chambers of commerce and societies to orderly undertake the specific work of professional qualification certification for the evaluation of Chinese medicine health service levels, and improve the vocational skill identification system that adapts to the development of Chinese medicine health services. Promote the "dual certificate" system of vocational education diplomas and vocational qualification certificates, and prepare for the establishment of vocational skills identification centers (stations) in qualified vocational colleges.

    Column 9 Human resources construction project of Chinese medicine health service

    Education and training on advantages and characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine

    Relying on the existing Chinese medicine education resources, strengthen the education and training of Chinese medicine health services, and cultivate a group of leading (reserve) talents, backbone talents and teachers in related fields of Chinese medicine health services.

    Construction of Identification System for Vocational Skills Training in Traditional Chinese Medicine

    Broaden the post setting for technical and skilled personnel in traditional Chinese medicine health services, formulate vocational skills standards for training specific types of work in the traditional Chinese medicine industry, strengthen training for unique types of work in the traditional Chinese medicine industry, and urge industry chambers of commerce and societies to orderly undertake professional qualification certification for the evaluation of the level of traditional Chinese medicine health services specific work.

    (5) Create a good atmosphere. Strengthen the guidance of public opinion, and create a social atmosphere in which the whole society respects and protects traditional knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, and values ??and promotes health. Support radio, television, newspapers, Internet and other media to set up special program columns and layouts, and hold traditional Chinese medicine cultural propaganda and knowledge popularization activities. Inherit the concept of great medical sincerity, strengthen the construction of professional ethics, and continuously improve the professional quality of employees. To carry out the publicity of TCM health care knowledge, it is necessary to hire TCM professionals, follow the relevant state regulations, and adhere to the scientific spirit. No organization or individual may make false or exaggerated publicity on TCM, and shall not seek illegitimate benefits in the name of TCM. Severely crack down on illegal practice of medicine and false publicity of herbal medicines, health milk products, medical institutions and other violations of laws and regulations in accordance with the law.

    Scan to open the current page on the mobile phone

    Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Development Plan for Traditional Chinese Medicine and Health Services (2015-2020)

    瓠字怎么讀?瓠的拼音和解釋以及瓠子的做法 中醫養生保健中醫四季養生之夏季近日全國頻發暴雨天氣 秋天來了,一碗疙瘩湯特別的幸福!(附做法) 幾種肥牛的家常做法,在家也能吃哦!在家吃哦 (美食發燒友)西紅柿雞蛋疙瘩湯做法大全,趕緊收藏! 我堅持了,為什么體重不降反升高?原因是什么? 中醫養生科普所處的大壞境1.1政府政策對中醫的支持 運動時間過長不利于減肥丹麥哥本哈根大學實驗發現少量運動比大量運動效果更好 的做法-1.去好骨的魚身魚片 有關孕婦吃紅豆湯的好處有哪些?養心補血紅豆不但 花錢在飲食方面居多,肌肉還不如別人一年練的好 堅持運動就會收到減肥的效果,切記運動以后暴飲暴食 瘋狂節食第一次減肥是大二,我減過N次肥總結為三個階段 減肥時間和減肥方法都是可以起到不錯的!! 粉皮粉皮雞的做法,好吃到停不下來!! 輕松瘦身!130-120斤變身110斤的有效減肥方法! 華為Mate20Pro首發上手:當之無愧接過年度安卓機皇的王座 健身補劑支鏈氨基酸(BCAA)它有什么作用?? 如何避免減肥反彈?這些事情你必須知道! 橄欖菜是一種人民喜愛的一種小菜,味道清爽可口 多變運動多花樣!多變的有氧運動讓你瘦的更快! 曲黎敏精講《黃帝內經》揭示五臟六腑運行的奧秘 《提升免疫力的心理學的方法》之--有氧運動 中醫養生保健 功效與作用中華民族有五千年文明史,你知道嗎?! 小米發布兩款新機:紅米4/4A銷量 或許是寶寶們都趕著年前出來團團圓圓 薩其馬的做法 清明去北京吃什么?大名鼎鼎的“寒食十三絕” 鍛煉減肥有兩個原則:第一胃減肥真的可以減肥嗎 小米6X對比對比:高通驍龍660AIE僅售2699元 媽媽婆婆弄來各式各樣的催乳方子鯽魚、通草…… 側面指紋識別及翻轉攝像頭,榮耀7i全網通版開箱 15分鐘充滿一部手機OPPOVOOC超級閃充亮相MWC2016展會 趁著冬天,趕緊彎道超車,逆襲變成筷子腿吧!! 華為榮耀7i評測教程:外觀評測+外觀+評測 你吃過魚腥草嗎?致癌,還真有人研究過 月子餐42天調理脾胃修復懷孕期間承受巨大壓力的階段 (海鮮特輯)一道家常海鮮菜——就是海蠣煎蛋 一組腿部訓練動作,徒手提臀而練出翹臀! ‍新媽媽剛生完孩子的第1周! 一到如何下手,羊肉那么大,自己在家應該放什么香料?
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